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Andries Romano  Empty Andries Romano

Mon Jul 17, 2017 11:45 am
Name: Andries Romano
Age: 26
Place of Birth: England
Birthday: 15th August
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Voice: Michael C Hall (Voice actor for Toffee)
Alter Ego: The Phantom
Rank: 1
Plot: TBA
Alignment: Hero
Team: TBA
Personality Archetype: Flirty Vigilante

Personality: The Phantom is a true gentleman flirt who isn’t looking to settle. Brash, reckless and more than proud enough to flaunt it. There’s a sadistic ruthlessness to the Phantom that’s only invoked when his own lines are crossed. While he may seem like a hero that’s looking to uphold the law, the Phantom isn’t afraid to get his gloves bloodied or his knives bent in order to achieve what he needs to for the greater good. Despite that, the Phantom has strong morals and will always look to try to help and save rather than kill and maim. Always looking out for the little guy, the Phantom has a warmth to him despite his arrogant outer appearance.

On the flip side, Andries is a humble and somewhat careless, but optimistic person, who’s charisma shows through more in his kindness and desire to spoil his kids. His life has shaped him to be a hard worker and to not take for granted people who have helped him. Luckily, people seemed to be naturally inclined towards him. He’s still as adventurous as ever, but no one’s ever seen him as someone who could twist a knife into a man’s gut without even batting an eye.  

Normal Background: Andries grew up on the streets. Never knowing his father, his mother moved from Europe to Blackview City with him and his little sister in hope of making a better living. Unfortunately, times were hard and things weren’t easy. When his mother succumbed to the effects of pneumonia, Andries stood up as the head of the family or at least to his sister. Making a living on the streets through pick pocketing and waiting for the bakery to throw out their stale bread. Andries had a reckless youth growing up alongside his other street fairing friends.

 However, eventually Andries realized that it wasn’t the kind of life he wanted his sister and himself to live. Luckily, he was able to get a job as a dish washer at the local bakery from which they used to steal and found a love in baking and cooking.

Climbing the ranks slowly, Andries found he had a talent for the culinary arts and eventually went onto own his own small time café and bakery. Earning enough to send his little sister to a good school abroad whilst he stayed behind. However, soon he begin to feel lonely and eventually decided to pay forward the kindness strangers had once given him by adopting a young boy and later a young girl as his son and daughter.  Wanting to save them from the harsh growing up he had to face and knowing that he always wanted children even if he never settled. Being a single father isn’t easy, but he enjoys it immensely despite the struggle of balancing his work, family and his ‘other’ life.

Origin Story: He always was able to disappear and reappear like a ghost. He didn’t really think much of it until one day when a gang of thugs looking for their stolen wallets walked right through him in their search. He used them to his advantage in pick pocketing, eventually learning to control them. And once he went straight, he decided to use them for a force of good even if his methods were questionable at times. Having lived amongst the lowest of the low, Andries has a perspective on crime and villainy that not everyone shares and a soft spot towards cute creatures and little kids.

His powers hadn’t manifested till he was around 12, when he was beginning to go through some physical changes, but he had never been exposed to any sort of chemical incident or radiant gift from the cosmos so he concluded that his powers were hereditary. When he was older, he was able to get in touch with his family back in Europe, he could only conclude in the end that his powers must have been from his father whom he never knew. He has kept a close eye on his sister since, wondering if she too will develop the same powers.

 Overtime, delving into the culinary arts has also sparked an interest in knives, which Andries endeavoured to master and add onto his Phantom persona.

Where is this character based: Blackview City

Notable Relations:
Deamion Kingsly- Partner in Crime/Friend/’Oracle’/Godfather to his kids
[Name redacted for safety]-Son
[Name redacted for safety]-Daughter            
Laura Romano- Little sister

Old drawing, will replace: 
Andries Romano  103

Normal Appearance: Andries in his normal attire sports blue contacts and dyed black hair parted differently. He normally wears casual clothing or is found in his formal chef attire.  
Height: 1.93m
Weight: -

Really old drawing, Definitely need to replace:
Andries Romano  8fce58eb_cbf7_4768_88be_cdc8c78be694_by_16pyres-d9ysqls

Alter Ego Appearance: The phantom dons an all white formal suit, cape and plain eye mask. His eyes are an extremely light grey and his hair is coloured a faded shade of salmon pink. There are several small pockets within his cape and even sewn into his suit that allow for him to hide his throwing knives within. If you see anything, it’s a knife, but he’s still happy to see you.

Height: 1.93 m
Weight: -
Voice Alteration:
·         Special Powers: Phantasmal powers; the ability to become completely invisible and intangible.
·         Ability is able to last longest 24 hours with continual use
·         User cannot inflict damage on another person whilst intangible.
·         User cannot make only one part of their body intangible at a time.
·         User can spread on intangibility to others and objects
·         User can make objects intangible, but cannot lift objects heavier than they can lift when tangible
·        If an intangible user becomes tangible whilst passing through object or person, results may vary, but are never pretty.
.      User must remain in contact with item they are making intangible. 

Special Weapons: Andries Romano  81sSUXu2VkL._SX355_
 Average throwing knives, multiple sets stored in various articles of clothing.
Missions: -
International Operations: -
Highlights: -

Theme Song:

Last edited by Tenebrae16 on Thu Aug 10, 2017 11:34 am; edited 1 time in total
Posts : 27
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Join date : 2017-07-14
Age : 28
Location : United Kingdom

Andries Romano  Empty Re: Andries Romano

Mon Jul 17, 2017 12:39 pm
Andries Romano  OLia2mP
Andries Romano
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