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Mei "Dia Froste" Haya Empty Mei "Dia Froste" Haya

Sun Jul 30, 2017 6:10 pm
Mei "Dia Froste" Haya Image
"I don't give up hope."

Name: Mei Haya
Age: 18
Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan.
Birthday: 14 February
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Voice: Laura Bailey as Supergirl
Alter Ego: Dia Froste
Rank: Rank I - "Newcomer"
Plot: Coming Soon.
Alignment: Hero
Team: N/A
Personality Archetype: Lawful 

Personality: Mei's most notable characteristic is her sunny disposition. Cheerful and bright, Mei is both kind and fair to everyone she meets. Mei would go to the ends of the earth and back for the people she cares about and would give even the last dollar she had if it could help someone. Even so, Mei is far from being a traditional "lady". She is full of sassy remarks, quips and one liners that she picked up over the years from her father figure. Ironically, this also makes her incredibly stubborn.

She believes in the good sides of people and is somewhat naive to the world around her. A bit sheltered, Mei is a well meaning girl with an idealistic if not rather optimistic view of the world around her. She sees the world as black and white and that there is only good and bad, no in between. Her morals as "Dia Froste" also follow a similar example, where she has a strict "no-kill" rule, no matter what. She will always leave the punishment of the crime to the law and believes that death is an excessive measure.

Mei is also very confident in her abilities, at times, a bit too, confident for her own good. Unfortunately, to the dismay of her guardian, this makes her impulsive and reckless, fitting for a girl of her age. This also make her to believe almost everything at face value. Nevertheless, Mei is kind, morally upstanding citizen.

Normal Background: In her day-to-day life, Mei is for the most part an average, fun-loving girl who just graduated high school. She has a drivers license, does martial arts and is currently deciding which college she should go to and what degree she should do. Mei also works part-time at a florist, selling flowers to earn a little pocket money should she need it. 

Origin Story: Born with the name, "Kasumi", she was unfortunately given away to an orphanage in Tokyo at birth. Never knowing the name of her parents, Kasumi was left as an orphaned child to fend for herself. The kids there ostracized her for different appearance, one that was unfitting that of a Japanese child. While the orphanage staff did their best to stop this bullying, it continued on and on.

Kasumi was alone, always by herself. No kids wanted to play with a "weirdo". She never did get an explanation as to why she looked a certain way. Or why she was always cold to the touch. The orphanage couldn't explain anything to her. Not her appearance, not her hair colour, not how she managed to appear in strange place such as the rooftop with no viable explanation, not even the occasional bits of frost she would leave in her wake.

However, she did get one explanation. The reason why she was named "Kasumi". On the day she was brought to the orphanage, snow had fell to the ground in a blizzard. The mist was thick and the fog was dense. So much so, that when a hooded woman emerged from the mist and left a newborn child on the doorstep, it was quite a shock. Before any words were spoken, the woman vanished. With no choice but to take care of the child, the orphanage staff named her "Kasumi Yukimura", meaning "mist" and Yukimura, meaning "snow village".

That was the closest she ever got to learning whoever her real mother may have been.

The bullying and ostracizing continued into Kasumi's childhood. She had grown cold and numb to the words. At least, she thought she did. Until, one day at nine years old, an incident occurred. Kasumi had simply snapped. She had enough and... well, three children had to be taken to the hospital, shards of ice impaling them. This was the day that Kasumi learnt that she was capable of cyrokinesis. 

The incident led to her being forced out of the orphanage for the safety of the other children and hunted down by a group of unknown people. Running down the streets of Tokyo with the rain drenching from head to toe, Kasumi hid from her pursuers in small nooks and crannies as best as she could while scrounging and begging for food from those that she could. 

Some took pity and some didn't. Kasumi only survived as well as she did thanks to her powers. For the girl known as Kasumi, it was one of the worst experiences of her life.  

A certain scantily dressed shinobi had found her, thanks to the block of ice that had formed around her during her sleep. She thought he was going to kill her. Instead, the man took her in his arms and brought her back to his hotel room. Confused, Kasumi was treated with shelter, food and new clothes. This man was named Chrys Haya, a vigilante from Blackview City, but to her? He was her hero.

She was then taken into this man's custody and care. Before she knew it, she was boarding a plane to Isle Public of Para. As she looked out the window, she felt her former home and town simply vanish before her. She was going to leave that life behind, a life of being ostracized and alone. 

Her life, it seemed bright for once. As she left her old life behind, she asked her new guardian one thing; if her name could be changed from "Kasumi", meaning "mist" to Mei, meaning "bright". To which he said yes. 

And on that day, Kasumi "died" in the mist. As it cleared, "born" from the brightness was Mei.

For nine years, Mei had to adjust to her new life, as well a learning how to control her powers. She had to learn English and speak it well, she had to become accustomed to having a father and she had to learn how to use, conceal and hide her powers. Her father had actually also possessed the same ability as her and began training her, not only in controlling her powers but also in various martial arts.

When asked why, he only responded with, "That there are bad people out there, Mei."

It was always at the back of her mind but she never paid it much attention as she did enjoy the training. There was a few things that she found a little strange. One was that Chrys tended to disappear during the time she fell asleep. Another was that occasionally, she would find red stains on his clothes, though she assumed that was fake blood from his rehearsals.

 Mei began soon settling well into her new life. Her English, while a bit sloppy, began to improve to the point when at sixteen, it was practically flawless. In fact, by then her power had been completely under control and in fact, her father even taught her a few new skills that she previously didn't have before.

Hell, her father had even taught her how to sew, cook, clean and even drive (however, she had absolutely no idea how her father even managed to acquire a driver's license with his obscene driving). She had gotten a part-time job at the florist nearby and even had a few close friends in high school. Math always gave her problems and sometimes so did Academic Writing. However, she was happy and that was enough.

Soon enough, she was on the podium, graduating with her fellow students with her father smiling proudly. Now eighteen, Mei was walking home from work before she heard screams from around the corner. Rushing to the scene, she found a woman with a knife up to her neck about to be assaulted by three men. Unable to let this stand, she swiftly took care of them with help of her powers and martial arts training.

The woman thanked her and as Mei walked her home, she couldn't help but think this felt right. That she wanted to help others and she wanted to stop crime. At that moment, "Dia Froste" was born.

Where is this character based? Blackview City

Notable Relations:

  • Chrys Haya - The man who saved her all those years ago and her main parental figure. She idealises him and sees him as a hero as well as her father. They get along extremely well, aside from a few sarcastic jabs here and there. Chrys constantly worries for his surrogate daughter and sometimes wishes she didn't take after him.

Mei "Dia Froste" Haya Image
Mei Haya (unfinished)

Normal Appearance: Mei has a more heart shaped face with peachy toned skin. Her hair is a pale, golden blonde that goes down to her waist. Normally tied up in a ponytail, she parts her hair to the right with a fringe and has two hanging side bangs. She possesses a rather athletic build, sizable chest, long healthy legs and a small waist. However, her most striking feature is her piercing violet, sharp eyes.

In her normal day to day appearance, Mei typically wears rather trendy, hip and modern clothing. However, she almost always wears rather revealing clothes (a trait picked up from her father, no doubt) such as shorts and off the shoulder shirts. 

Height: 165cm
Weight: 55kg

Mei "Dia Froste" Haya Image
"Dia Froste". (unfinished)

Alter Ego Appearance: As "Dia Froste", Mei dons a kunoichi outfit consisting of a blue kimono top with white accents that is completely backless. On the chest are are detailed patterns of a sakura tree blooming. On her arms she wears dark marine arm guards that cover her wrist. Around her waist is an blue and white obi sash with a blooming fake pink hibiscus flower and matching trailing ribbons on the left side. Mei also wears layered kimono skirts that go past the bend of her knee. She also wears fishnet stockings underneath and practical Japanese combat boots. Dia Froste also has a mask that covers her lips and nose.

Weight: 55kg
Voice Alteration? None
Special Powers:

  • Cryokinesis - Mei's primary power is the ability to lower the kinetic energy of atoms, thereby lowering the temperature. This grants her the ability to control, generate and manipulate ice and snow at will. She is able to create structures out of ice, freeze any object she touches, create blizzards, even freeze existing water and many more possibilities.
  • Ninjutsu - As a result of training with her father, who is a shinobi, Mei has limited use of ninjutsu. Her use of ninjutsu is limited to short ranged teleportation. She is able to teleport only a distance of one hundred metres and can only do so when dodging an attack.

Special Weapons: 

  • Kori Wakizashi - A long thin blade made out of ice that is reminiscent of a katana. Around 60cm long, this blade is smaller than average katana but is just as deadly as one. Able to be summoned by Mei at will, the blade cannot be broken unless Mei herself commands so. Mei is also able to channel her cyrokinetic abilities through the Kori Wakizashi.

Missions: None
International Operations: None
Highlights: None

Theme Song: "Hitohira (Dimensions Remix)" - From Dead or Alive: Dimensions.

Last edited by Hibiki on Fri Aug 04, 2017 5:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mon Jul 31, 2017 9:51 pm
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